Sunday, April 20, 2008


When it comes to blogging, I am a newbie.

So when my friends suggested to start blogging, I thought, "Sure! Why not? All I need to do is to type away anyway."

Boy! Was I wrong! I mean, sure, if I wanted to just type away, I could do that too. Blogger makes it easy to have a blog up and running in seconds. Just choose a template and type away.

But I wanted more than the ready made template. I wanted my blog to reflect Artsy Creatures. I wanted my own header. I wanted my own background. I wanted a menu bar. I wanted so many things that I ended up not posting as much as I wanted.

I am now happy to say, that after a month of starting the blog (I started March 19), I finally got the look that I wanted (thanks to hubby). And now, I can concentrate on posting...


Anonymous said...

lol - I went thru the SAME thing when I started blogging in January!

Actually - there are still TONS of stuff I'd like to do, but who has time? I decided to just keep a "to-do" list of stuff I'd like to implement into my blog if/when I get a free moment. ;)

And the list just keeps growing.

lol - thanks for stopping by. You've got some CUTE stuff here!!

Anonymous said...

hi dette! i know! the list just keeps on growing. and its difficult when you have other stuff going on too...

thanks for dropping by!